Nvidia's foveated rendering tricks for VR could improve graphics and immersion

Okay, I'll admit, I just like saying "foveated rendering" because it makes me sound smart. But it's a real thing, and it's going to probably play an important role in the next stage of this little VR journey we're all on. Foveated rendering saves on GPU work by only rendering sharply whatever you're looking at, while leaving the periphery blurry. Basically, it imitates what the eye already does in order to make rendering more efficient, doing less work where it isn't needed.

Of course, this only works if you know where someone is looking, and none of the major VR headsets currently available do this. However, there are eye-tracking solutions on the market. The high-end StarVR headset from Starbreeze, for instance, will include...

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Nvidia's foveated rendering tricks for VR could improve graphics and immersion
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