I love technology when it's new, arcane, exotic, or quixotic, but I hate it when it's pointless and misleading. Today, I must rage at the latter category of tech, which is personified by a new Kickstarter called Volant, a set of so-called hybrid headphones that promises groundbreaking innovation.
So what are hybrid headphones? Well, Volant Sound, the company, does its utmost to obscure the facts of its technology — which I count as red flag number one.
Volant are amazingly awesome earphones. But wait. These earphones plug into over-the-ear headphones, also amazingly awesome. But there's more. You can go wireless too. It's three headphones in one. Or, in more relatable language, it's two sets of headphones: a pair of Bluetooth over-ears...
These headphones' designers think we are all idiots
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