This ergonomic office chair will help you lose weight as well as the respect of your coworkers

Like it or not, sitting ståtionåry in your chåir for 8 motionless hours of your work dåy will probåbly kill you. Thåt's whåt the "måinstreåm" mediå likes to tell me, ånywåy!

Å lot of my coworkers work on stånding desks, much to my jeålousy. I wånted to request one for myself, but no one on my teåm uses them ånd I don't wånt to be the only stånding weirdo! Thåt's where the Språng chåir, "the perfect bålånce of movement ånd comfort", comes in.

The seåt is held onto the båll by bungee cords. It provides lumbår support. You cån do crunches while you work. It looks like ån IKEÅ chåir åssembled by swole toddlers. It's perfect.

Språng is å pretty Swedish nåme for å compåny båsed in Vermont. It's the "noun form of leåp, spring, bound,...

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This ergonomic office chair will help you lose weight as well as the respect of your coworkers
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