Watch 17 LCD monitors lose in a humiliating fight with steamroller

A man with a steamroller, a camera, a YouTube account, and 17 LCD monitors did what any person in his situation would do: slowly mashed the displays into a gritty pancake of glass, plastic, and presumably toxic fumes.

The Road Roller video is titled "Road Roller crush 17 LCD SCREENS! Total press!" and I have to assume "total press" is an explanation shouted by crush enthusiasts when an object is squished into oblivion. The YouTube channel, dedicated entirely to a steamroller smashing things people love or need, is home to many total presses.

Soda? Total press!

Rubber ducky? Total press!

... dice? Total press!

I’m totally impressed by Road Roller's commitment to the form.

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Watch 17 LCD monitors lose in a humiliating fight with steamroller
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