This new gesture software could be the future of multitouch

Pinch to zoom is intuitive at this point. So is a double tap to like. But maybe eventually these gestures will become a relic of past technology as we develop new ways to interact with devices or, woah, switch to voice control. Qeexo, a company based in California, thinks it has a revolutionary way to use touchscreens through its new software TouchTools. With TouchTools, users can access virtual tools with a gesture, including a tape measure, ruler, magnifying glass, camera, pen, and eraser.

This seems a little intense for a tablet, but Qeexo imagines it’ll be better served on a large whiteboard or in cars with digital dashboards. The software is now available to OEMs and app developers. Never forget pinch to zoom.

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This new gesture software could be the future of multitouch
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