Xbox One S is 7.1 percent faster than Xbox One, but it’s complicated

Microsoft announced its new Xbox One S console back at E3 in June, and began immediately downplaying the amount of additional processing power over the original model. While Microsoft admitted there is a "small amount of additional processing power," Eurogamer's Digital Foundry has spent the last few days testing the new Xbox One S to unveil the exact performance boosts. The Xbox One S has a GPU clock-speed of 914Mhz, which is 7.1 percent faster than the 853Mhz on the original Xbox One.

Combined with some ESRAM bandwidth increases, that takes the compute performance up to 1.4 teraflops, up from the 1.31 teraflops in the original Xbox One. Sony's PlayStation 4 is still ahead with a 1.84 teraflop GPU, but Microsoft's increase isn't...

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Xbox One S is 7.1 percent faster than Xbox One, but it’s complicated
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