Getting lost in LG’s magical OLED tunnel

Most technology out in the world is merely functional, exciting emotions only when it fails to perform routine duties. But sometimes that technology gets used for a higher purpose, such as with LG’s OLED tunnel at IFA in Berlin. Created using 216 55-inch curved display, it’s a 15-meter walkway that, ironically, stops people in their tracks. LG’s marketing isn’t hyperbolic when it calls this thing "awe-inspiring."

The OLED tunnel is a microcosm of life itself. It presents beautiful natural images and stars above our heads, and all of us mere humans blessed to be beneath its arch stumble around in a sort of tipsy daze. Not all of us are moving in the same direction, and we tend to bump into and disrupt each other, but we manage to coexist...

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Getting lost in LG’s magical OLED tunnel
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