The pros and cons of having a ridiculous bejeweled phone case

Many months ago I looked at a photo with Circuit Breaker editor Paul Miller and we agreed that the photo was beautiful.

Here’s the photo:

lana del rey

It’s beautiful not just because Lana Del Rey is in it and she has an extremely good manicure, but because it’s the perfect bathroom selfie. It’s humanizing, unassuming, and quietly vulnerable to be photographed in one’s bathroom by one’s own hand. This bejeweled BlackBerry phone case is so loud that it almost declares itself the subject of the image. Yet, of course, being sentient and empathetic creatures, our eyes and minds always favor the human subject — even when it’s being quiet. The brim of Lana Del Rey’s baseball cap is casting most of her face in shadow, but her decidedly 2009 bathroom mirror pout is front and center. She’s holding herself away from the mirror and the phone’s camera but her pout is saying “Just kidding, I’m here in this selfie.”

This beautiful photo made me realize I had never taken a bathroom selfie, and then conclude that the problem must be that I don’t have a ridiculous bejeweled phone case. If I had a ridiculous bejeweled phone case, I would take a bathroom selfie. If I had a ridiculous bejeweled phone case, everything would be better.

Circuit Breaker editor Paul Miller ordered me a ridiculous bejeweled phone case from an Amazon store called Mavis’s Diary.

bejeweled phone case

I have it. I use it every day. There are some challenges that come with owning this phone case and there are some real perks that come with owning this phone case.

Here, I drew a chart:

As you can see, the pros greatly outweigh the cons. If a ridiculous bejeweled phone case has ever crossed your mind as a potential purchase I feel confident in telling you that now is as good a time as any to just go for it.

insane phone case Kaitlyn Tiffany, Instagram

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